When a job is awarded to a talent on IoTalents, a Job Room is automatically created for both the hirer and talent.
HIRER - For each job, select Job Room from the actions dropdown menu against the job name from the Awarded Jobs list. In the Job room, the hirer can navigate through the other actions for the job.
TALENT - For each job, select the Job Room from the actions dropdown mean against the job name from My Jobs list. In the Job Room, the talent can navigate through other actions for the job.
The following actions are included in the Job Room when the job status is marked as Working. Let's learn more sbout these actions and how they can to manage the jobs in IoTalents.
This section covers the fund and release status for fixed jobs, and sends timesheet or view invoice for hourly jobs. In the billing section, you can view the milestones for fixed scope , and timesheets for hourly scope. And in the invoice section, you can view all the milestone invoice, timesheet invoice, miscellaneous invoice, and incentive invoice.
When the job is awarded to the talent, the job status will be set to Working. For fixed scope jobs, talents add at least one milestone. At each milestone, the hirers will be prompted to deposit fund for the milestone before the talent starts work to achieve the deliverables for the milestone. Thus, hirer must first fund the milestone to give confidence and security for talent. There is a minimum project work value imposed. (Refer to IoTalents' Fee Schedule)
Note: Only talent can request for fund for the milestone.
To request fund of a milestone, the talent will login into IoTalents and follow the steps below.
a) From the Billing and Invoices section, click "Not funded" against the milestone.
b) Verify the milestone details and click Next, where you can view the draft invoice and click Send to send the request for funding to the hirer.
c) Once the request is sent, hirer will be notified and the hirer can view and pay (or fund) for the invoice in the Billing and Invoices section.
Note: Only hirer can fund the milestone.
To fund a milestone, the hirer will login into IoTalents and follow the steps below.
a) From the Billing and Invoices section, if the talent has requested for fund, the fund status will be set as "Requested".The hirer will click on "Requested" against the milestone to fund it. If no request has been raised by the talent for fund, the fund status will remain as "Not Funded". However, the hirer can still fund the milestone and an invoice will be generated automatically when the hirer has funded it.
b) Verify the milestone details and choose the payment method which can either be "Pay via PayPal" or "Pay via Credit Card".
c) Once the payment is successfully done, the talent will be notified.Both the hirer and talent can view the invoice in the Billing and Invoices section.
d) Once funded, the fund will be available in the IoTalents Account and the talent can start work immediately based on the job start date.
Note: Only talent can request for the release of fund for a completed milestone.
Release request can be sent only if the milestone has been funded
And the milestone status is set to 100 percent in the Status Report.
To request the release of fund for a milestone, the talent will login into IoTalents and follow the steps below.
a) In the Billing and Invoices section in the Job Room, before funding, the Release status against the milestone will be set to " Waiting for fund". Once the milestone has been funded, the status will be changed to "Waiting for release".
b) Once the status report for the milestone has been set to 100 percent i.e. the milestone is 100 percent completed, then the talent can request for release of fund for the milestone.
c) Verify the milestone details and click Next, where you can view the fund invoice and click Send to send the request for release to the hirer.
d) Once the request is sent, the hirer will be notified and thw hirer can view the funded invoice in the Billing and Invoices section.
Note: Only the hirer can release fund for the completed milestone.
Hirer can release the fund for the milestone only if the milestone has been funded
and the milestone status is set to 100 percent in the Status Report.
To release fund for a milestone, the hirer will login into IoTalents and follow the steps below.
a) From the Billing and Invoices section, if the talent has requested for fund release, the release status will be set to "Requested" and then hirer has to click on "Requested" against the milestone to release the fund. If no request has been raised by talent for release, the release status will remain as "Waiting for release". However, the hirer can still release the fund for the milestone and is the fund will be made available for withdrawal by the talent.
b) Once the milestone amount is released, the talent will be notified and the talent can withdraw the money from Manage >>> Withdraw in the top header menu.
Additional notes
For fixed scope jobs, if the hirer does not release the fund (milestone amount) within 30 days of the release fund request, the fund will be automatically released from IoTalents to the talent's account and will be available for withdrawal by the talent.
When the job is awarded to the talent, the job status will be set to Working. For hourly scope jobs, talents will specify the no. of hours and duration needed to complete the job. There will be no initial funding or deposit before the work starts. Every week, based on the timesheet submitted by the talent, the hirer will pay for the authorized hours of the timesheet.
For hourly jobs, timesheets will be paid automatically at the end of the Timesheet review period if the hirer has not paid the talent for the timesheet, or if no action has been taken by hirer i.e. either approve/reject.
In the Billing section, the approved timesheet details are displayed.
In the Invoices section, the invoices related to the job are displayed which include Timesheet invoice, Miscellaneous invoice, and Incentive invoice.
Hirer can pay for the invoices from Invoices section whereas talent can view the invoices.
Additional notes
For hourly scope jobs, if the hirer does not pay the talent for the submitted timesheet, then based on the availability of the funds in the hirer's account, the timesheet invoice amount will be automatically debited from the hirer's account to the talent's account and it will be available for withdrawal by the talent.
Messages enable communications between both parties.
Both hirer and talent can send messages to each other.
Based on the user settings, the user will receive a notification email when they receive a message the other party. By default, an email will be sent to the recipient about the new message.
Messages can act as a good record of communications related to the job.
To communicate, both hirer and talent can choose Messages section and communicate with each other.
To turn on/off message email settings,
a) You can choose Settings under your name displayed in top header menu.
b) Open Notifications from the navigation menu.
c) Click on Job Notifications and check/uncheck the Send email for each message to turn on/off the settings respectively.
Proposals list option is enabled for hirers only.
At the IoTalents landing page when you are logged in, for each job in the Awarded Jobs section, there is an action dropdown menu. Click on the Proposals list action from the dropdown menu.
Hires can view all the proposals in the View job page.
Hirers can rate each proposal and view the proposals in detail.
Terms and milestones can be viewed only for jobs with Working and Finalizing job status.
At the IoTalents landing page when you are logged in, for each job in the Awarded Jobs section (for hirer) or My Jobs section (for talent), there is an action dropdown menu. Click on the Job Room action from the dropdown menu.
Choosing the Terms & Milestones from the navigation menu, hirers and talents can view the accepted terms.
View Proposal option is enabled for talents only.
At the IoTalents landing page when you are logged in, for each job in the My Jobs section, there is an action dropdown menu. Click on the View Proposal action from the dropdown menu.
Talent can view the proposal that was submitted, and can send messages to the hirer and view the messages related to job.
For fixed scope jobs, the status reports help to keep the hirers up to date with the job status.
Let's learn more on status reports.
It is an important way to exchange information about the current status of the job between the hirer and talent.
Talent can submit the current status of the job and explain the plans for the coming weeks.
Every week, before Sunday, the talent can submit the status report for the week.
Once the report is sent, then hirer has to view and approve/reject the work done.
If the hirer rejects the status report, the talent will be notified. The talent can go through the comments entered by the hirer and make the necessary changes and resubmit the status report again.
Once the hirer is satisfied with the report and work, the hirer will approve the report for the week.
Talent can send weekly updates to the hirer using the status report.
When the hirer or talent clicks on the Status Reports from the Job Room navigation menu , the hirer can view/approve/reject the report whereas the talent can create/view/edit the report.
At the Status report list page, following is the process flow:
After submitting the status report for the week, the talent can still edit the status report until the hirer approves/rejects the status report.
Once the hirer approves the report, the talent can no longer edit the report. However, both hirer and talent can view the status report.
If the hirer rejects the status report, the talent can view or edit the report. The talent can resubmit the report after making the necessary changes. Once the report is resubmitted, the talent cannot make any changes further.
Based on the re-submitted report, the hirer can approve/reject the report. Once it is approved, both parties can only view the report.
a) Create Status Report
Status reports can be created only by the talent from the job start date. (Job start date is specified by the hirer when posting a job).
To submit a status report,
i) For the week, click on Create from the Status Report list page to create status report.
ii) Talent can choose the overall job status (either On schedule, Problem, or Complete), then mark the milestone percentage (which indicates the current status of milestone), and enter comments. Talent can either save the report as draft or submit it to the hirer. Hirer can view the report only when the report is submitted.
iii) If the milestone status percentage is marked as 100%, then "Add to billing" checkbox is checked so that the milestone amount is added to billing and invoice is generated
iv) Once the milestone is set to 100% complete, then the Request Release option and Release option are enabled for that particular milestone for the talent and hirer respectively, in the Billing and invoices section.
b) View Status Report
- Both hirer and talent can view the status report and send comments to each other.
c) Edit Status Report
Only the Talent can edit the status report. Following is the process flow.
i) Talent can edit the status report for the week until the hirer takes any action to either approve/reject the report.
ii) If the hirer approves the report then the talent cannot edit any more. iii) If the hirer rejects the report, the talent has to edit and re-submit the report.
d) Approve / Reject Status Report
Only hirer can approve/reject the status report. Following is the process flow.
i) Hirer can approve/reject the report for the week once the talent submit the report for the week.
ii) Once approved, then no more action is required for the weekly report from talent or hirer.
iii) If the hirer rejects the report, the talent will make the necessary changes based on hirer's comment & resubmit the report.
iv) Once the talent has resubmitted the report, the hirer will approve /reject the report based on the resubmitted report.
For hourly scope jobs, timesheets helps to keep the hirers up to date with the job status.
Let's learn more on timesheets.
- It is an important way to exchange information about the current status of the job between the hirer and talent.
- Talent can submit the current status of the job, explain the plans for the coming weeks and submit the no. of hours worked so that hirer will be notified.
- Every week, before Sunday, the talent can submit the timesheet for the week.
- Once the timesheet is sent, the hirer has to view and approve/reject based on the work done.
- If the hirer rejects the timesheet, the talent will be notified. The talent can go through the comment by hirer and make the necessary changes and resubmit the timesheet again.
- Once the hirer is satisfied with the timesheet and work, the hirer can approve the timesheet for the week.
You can send weekly updates to hirer using the timesheet.
When the hirer or talent clicks Timesheets from the Job Room navigation menu, the hirer can view/approve/reject the timesheet whereas the talent can create/view/edit the timesheet.
In timesheet list page, following is the process flow:
After submitting the timesheet for the week, the talent can still edit the timesheet until the hirer approve/reject the timesheet.
Once hirer approves it, then talent can no longer edit the time sheet. Both parties can only view the timesheet.
If the hirer rejects the timesheet, the talent resubmit the timesheet after making necessary changes. Once resubmitted, the talent can no longer make any further changes.
Based on the submitted timesheet, the hirer can approve/reject the timesheet. Once it is approved, both parties can only view the timesheet.
a) Create Timesheet
Timesheets can be created only by the talent from the job start date. (Job start date is specified by hirer when posting a job).
To submit a timesheet,
i) For the week, you can click on Create from timesheet list page
ii) Talent can choose the overall job status (either On schedule, Problem, or Complete), and enter comments. Talent enters the no. of hours worked per week.
Maximum hours authorized for each timesheet is the no. of hours specified in your proposal.
For example,
No. of hours authorized per week - 10
For 1st week, talent is entitled to 10 hours in timesheet.
In case, only 6 hours is consumed this week, the talent will submit the timesheet marking 6 hours for that week and will be paid for that 6 hours.
For the next week, talent will be entitled to 10 hours (authorized) + 4 hrs (not consumed) => totally 14hrs for the next timesheet.
Talent can either save the timesheet as draft or submit it to the hirer. Hirer can view the timesheet only when the timesheet is submitted.
iii) For every timesheet submission, an invoice will be created and will be sent to the hirer.
iv) Hirer can pay for the timesheet invoice from the Invoices section. If the hirer does not pay or does not take any action for the timesheet i.e. either approve or reject, then the timesheet amount is automatically paid from the hirer's account.
b) View Timesheet
- Both the hirer and talent can view the timesheet and send comments to each other.
c) Edit Timesheet
Only Talent can edit the timesheet. Following is the process flow.
i) Talent can edit the timesheet for the week until the hirer takes any action to either approve/reject the timesheet.
ii) If the hirer approves the timesheet, the talent cannot edit any more.
iii) If the hirer rejects the timesheet, the talent will edit and resubmit the timesheet.
d) Approve / Reject Timesheet
Only hirer can only approve/reject the timesheet. Following is the process flow.
i) Hirer can approve/reject the timesheet for the week once the talent submits the timesheet for the week.
ii) Once approved, no more action is required for the weekly timesheet from both the talent and hirer.
iii) If the hirer rejects the timesheet, the talent will make the necessary changes based on the hirer's comment & resubmit the timesheet.
iv) Once the talent resubmitted the timesheet, the hirer can approve /reject the timesheet based on the resubmitted timesheet.
Misc invoice can be created only by the talent.
If the hirer has already paid for the milestones or timesheets and the talent needs to submit additional expenses which were not mentioned in the proposal, the talent can make use of the miscellaneous invoice to send to the hirer.
Use a Miscellaneous invoice for quick transactions to bill the hirer for work not described in the terms. For example, the talent can issue a miscellaneous invoice to bill for additional expenses/charges
To send a miscellaneous invoice to the hirer, the talent will login into IoTalents account and follow the steps below.
Incentive invoice can be created only by hirer.
If the talent has done the job extremely well, the hirer can make use of incentive invoice to send to the talent.
Use an Incentive for quick transactions if the hirer is happy with the work done by the talent (e.g. faster than expected/better than expected).
To send an incentive invoice to the talent, the hirer will login into IoTalents account and follow the steps below.