Career planning is a term that most of us heard of. Career planning might sound simple on the surface. In fact, it is a lifelong plan that you have to stick with. But what is a career plan? Career Planning is the process of examining your interest such as hobbies, skills, values and preferences. Also, exploring the options and choices in work and learning opportunities. Career planning is not a tough affair. Moreover, it is not something to be dreaded, but rather fulfilling as that provides goals to achieve in your current career or plans for transitioning into a new career in a new industry. You can also review and make use of this process all the way through your career. Here are 5 tips to guide you to achieve a successful career plan:
Write down what are your likes and dislikes.
What may have appealed to you a year ago may not have the same effect as of now. So it is important to make a list of them. Make a two column list of your likes and dislikes. Then use this list to cross-reference them to your current job and career path. If your job and career still fall mostly in the like column, then you know you are still on the right path; however, if your job activities fall mostly in the dislike column, now is the time to explore new jobs and careers.
Find what you have the passion to do.
Career planning provides a great time to also further explore activities you like to do when you are not working. For example, your hobbies can be a good start. Many a times, your hobbies are a great insight into future career paths for you to choose. If you can turn your hobbies into your job, every day will be a joyride to work. Many people in this world take up a certain job because of attractive rewards but deep down, they hate what they are doing. Doing something against your will just make you miserable. When you have the passion in doing something you love, you will unknowingly be more efficient and productive.
Observe and analyse Job and Career trends
Not everything you love or like to do is what the workforce demands. You must know how to make your own job opportunities. Even if your career is shrinking, but you have the skills and know how to market yourself, you should be able to find a new job with ease. A career path that is booming today could easily shrink tomorrow. It’s important to see where job growth is expected, especially in the career fields that most interest you. Besides analyzing these trends, conducting research gives you the power to adjust and strengthen your position in the job marketplace. One major role in finding success in a pool of jobs is having a unique set of skills, and education that make you stand out from the others.
Explore and improve your skill set
As the world progresses on, the demand for the most up to date skills increases. This calls for improvements in our knowledge and skills. Never throw away chances to learn and grow more as a person and as a worker. As part of career planning, it is advisable to search for training opportunities to learn new skills to pick up that will help enhance or further your career. There are many opportunities to find potential career-enhancing opportunities in today’s world.
All in all, a successful career plan can have many benefits. Be it, from goal-setting to career change, to a more successful life. Once you begin to review and plan your career using the tips provided in this article, you will find yourself better prepared for whatever lies ahead in your career and in your life.